10 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Myths Every Woman Should Know

April 11, 2022
2 min read
10 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Myths Every Woman Should Know

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects women of reproductive age. When you have PCOS, your ovaries develop small fluid collections that affect the release of eggs. This can become a chronic issue stemming from puberty or developing later in life. The symptoms include irregular periods, excess androgen (male hormone), and polycystic ovaries.

There is a lot of misinformation surrounding the causes and symptoms of PCOS, which can affect your mental health. Let’s take a look at and debunk popular PCOS myths.

  1. Women with PCOS cannot have children.

          Women with PCOS often have fertility problems, but that doesn’t mean that you will never have children. Carrying a baby to term is possible while suffering from           PCOS. Many women with PCOS conceive children and have a natural childbirth. There are also fertility treatments that help many women with PCOS conceive           naturally.

  1. You can’t lose weight if you have PCOS.

         Women with PCOS struggle to lose weight independently, but it is not impossible. Working with a dietician and endocrinologist can help you reach your weight loss          goals. Since insulin tends to be affected by PCOS, it’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid developing type 2 Diabetes.

  1. Women with PCOS will have excessive hair growth.

        While male pattern hair growth can be an underlying sign of PCOS, not every woman suffers from excessive hair growth.  

  1. Having irregular menstrual cycles means you have PCOS.

        Many factors can cause menstrual cycle abnormalities. Diet, stress, and thyroid issues are a few other triggers that can impact your regularity. It’s crucial to speak         with your doctor about ongoing issues with your cycle.

  1. You have to have ovarian cysts to have PCOS.

        PCOS doesn’t represent itself as fluid-filled cysts in every woman. Some women experience tiny fluid-filled follicles that are painless and hard to view on an         ultrasound.

  1. You caused PCOS.

        The cause of PCOS is unknown. That means that there is nothing that you did to cause yourself to be stricken with this condition. Don’t blame yourself.

  1. Losing weight will cure PCOS.

       There is no known cure for PCOS. While losing weight might help lessen symptoms, you can not cure PCOS by losing weight.

  1. PCOS is uncommon.

       PCOS is more common than you might think. Over 5 million women suffer from PCOS. This means that close to 2 out of every 20 women have this condition.

  1. You’ll know when you have PCOS.

       In fact, many women are living with PCOS and do not have a diagnosis. It’s easy to write off menstrual cycle irregularities to stress or diet. However, up to 50-70% of        PCOS cases go undiagnosed. 

  1. PCOS is a life sentence.

       While there is no cure, PCOS does not have to be a life sentence. You can find ways to remove the pain and discomfort by speaking to your doctor. By setting up a        treatment plan, you can lead a fulfilling life with PCOS. 

Final Words

A PCOS diagnosis might make you feel unwell mentally and physically. But don’t give up hope for living the life of your dreams. 

Here at BASS Medical Group, our medical team will work with you to treat PCOS. Hopefully, debunking common myths surrounding this condition has helped you let go of the stigma. 

If you currently suffer from PCOS or need a diagnosis, our expert team of ob-gyns and endocrinologists is standing by. For more information or to request an appointment, visit bassmedicalgroup.com.