The BASS Blog

Welcome to the BASS Medical Group blog, where we share knowledge and resources to help our patients and community.
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Gastrointestinal Disorders: Specialized Internal Medicine Care for Digestive Health

Our digestive system plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being. Learn how to keep things working optimally!

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2022: BASS Medical Group in the Community

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Health Tips

Seasonal Affective Disorder: 4 Ways to Cope During Winter

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Sunlight Allergies: Can You Develop Them In Adulthood? 

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Lower Back Pain: Signs You Need to See a Doctor

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Staying Healthy with Adult Preventive Care: Expertise in Internal Medicine

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Thyroid Disorders: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Specialized Care

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Family Planning and Reproductive Healthcare: Empowering Your Choices

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Preventive Health Screenings: Taking Control of Your Well-being

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Reproductive Endocrinology: Fertility Support and Specialized Care

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Heart Health Month: Essential Tips for a Healthy Heart Lifestyle

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Health Education

Do You Have Constant Nosebleeds? This Could Be Why

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How to Prepare for Allergy Patch Testing

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SARS: What is It and How to Spot It

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Prediabetes: What Can You Do To Stop Progression?

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Health Tips

Should You Wear Ear Plugs at Concerts?

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Chronic Pain Treatment: What Should You Try?

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Health Education

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

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How to Properly Clean Ear Wax Without Damaging Your Ear Drum

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What are Warning Signs For Heart Failure?

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8 Potential Tests and Treatments for Snoring

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Signs You Might Have A Ruptured Eardrum

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How Facial Pain Could Be Linked to a Neurological Issue

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Health Education

Crohn's Disease vs Ulcerative Colitis: What are the Differences?

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What Might Cause Recurrent Kidney Stones?

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Hypoglycemia: What Could It Lead To?

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Health Education

What are Fibroids?

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Allergic Rhinitis: A Guide to "Hay Fever"

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Health Tips

Do You Have a Chronic Rash? Here's What to Do

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What Do Your Periods Have to Do With Uterine Cancer?

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Health Education

What Does Fluoroscopy Test For?

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3 Reasons You'd Need a Thyroid Ultrasound

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What to Expect from Diverticulitis Disease

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What is Pericarditis?

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Health Education

What is Cellulitis?

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Health Education

What Qualifies as Chronic Pain?

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What is a DEXA Scan?

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How to Tell If a Wound is Healing Correctly

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Bacterial vs Fungal Infections: How Do We Treat Them Differently?

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How Do Infections Spread?

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How Soon Can You Take a Pregnancy Test?

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Health Tips

6 Conditions That Cause Pregnancy Complications

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Clogged Ear or Ear Infection?

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Is Pink Eye Contagious?

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Health Education

Grave's Disease: How Does It Affect Your Eyes?

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What is Crohn’s Disease and What are the Signs of It?

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Health Education

What Is Hand Foot and Mouth Disease?

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What Is The Fastest Way To Cure A Stomach Ulcer?

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What Is A Heart Murmur?

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7 Reasons You Might Have Sore Nipples

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What are the Differences Between a Cyst and a Lipoma?

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ACL Tear: How Do You Know If You Have One?

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What is a Cervicogenic Headache?

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Temporal Mandibular Joints: What to Do If Your Jaw Locks

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Gynecologic Oncology

What to Do If You Think You Have a Yeast Infection

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Health Education

What Does It Mean to Be Immunocompromised?

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5 Signs You Should Get a Mole Checked By a Doctor

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Health Education

What is Orthorexia and How Can You Treat It?

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What Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Feel Like?

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Gynecologic Oncology

What to Expect After An IUD Insertion

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What to Expect During an Endoscopy Procedure

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Breast Cancer

What Does a Lump In Your Breast Feel Like During a Breast Self Exam?

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What Does Appendicitis Really Feel Like?

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Here's How to Plan Ahead for Your Family's Travel Vaccinations

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Breast Cancer

Don't Put Off Your Mammogram: 5 Reasons You Should Schedule Yours Today

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What is a Biopsy and What Can It Be Used to Detect?

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How to Prevent Senior Falling Injuries in Your Home

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Health Education

6 Reasons Your Doctor Might Recommend Injections for Joint Pain Relief

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What is Tetanus and When Do We Need Tetanus Shots?

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Gynecologic Oncology

5 Reasons an IUD Might Be the Right Birth Control Option for You

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What is the Difference Between a Sprain and a Strain?

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Different Types of Hernias and What to Look Out For

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15 Autoimmune Disorders to Be Aware Of

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Is Mono Contagious?

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Health Education

Debunking the Myth: Can You Sweat Out a Fever?

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Fact or Fiction: New COVID Variant Won't Reduce Reinfection Anymore

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How to Identify ARFID in Children

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How to Perform a Skin Self-Exam for Skin Cancer

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What is the RICE Method for Treating Injuries?

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What Does a Pinched Nerve Feel Like?

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Differences Between COVID 19 Variants to Be Aware Of

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Gynecologic Oncology

Yeast Infection While Pregnant: What You Need to Know

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What Are the Differences Between Your ACL, MCL, and Meniscus?

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What are the Differences Between a Fracture and a Broken Bone?

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Health Tips

How Long Should You Ice an Injury For?

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Gynecologic Oncology

What is the Typical Timeline for Pregnancy?

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Health Tips

Why Staying on Track with Physical Therapy is Crucial

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Gynecologic Oncology

What is an Ectopic Pregnancy?

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Everything You Need to Know About the Monkeypox Vaccine

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How Occupational Medicine Can Help You After a Work Injury

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Health Education

Do We Still Do Mouth to Mouth When Administering CPR?

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What are Anal Fissures and How Can I Identify Them?

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Feeling Off Balance Lately? Here's What That Could Mean

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Health Education

Everything You Need to Know About the Norplant Birth Control Implant

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A Look at Your Child's 18-Year Immunization Schedule

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Health Education

6 Warning Signs for Yeast Infections

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Exercise Induced Asthma: What Signs Should You Look For | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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What is Colorectal Cancer and How Does It Affect Your Diet? | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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Kidney Cancer: Tips for Preventing It | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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Health Education

Vitamin D Deficiency: How Can You Spot It Right Away? | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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Seasonal Affective Disorder: How Can You Combat It | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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Metastatic Lung Cancer: What are Some Potential Causes? | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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Health Education

Norovirus Symptoms You Should Know to Look For | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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Bladder Cancer: What Does It Mean When You Get Diagnosed | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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Chronic Sinusitis: What Do You Need to Know About It? | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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Arthritis: How You Can Improve Your Quality of Life | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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Prostate Cancer: How Each Stage Develops | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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Non-Small Cell Cancer: How Is It Unique? | Blog | BASS Medical Group

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2024 Hope Walk

Saturday, May 18th, 2024
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