What is the Typical Timeline for Pregnancy?

Gynecologic Oncology
3 Min Read
What is the Typical Timeline for Pregnancy?

The first day of your last menstruation truly marks the beginning of pregnancy. The gestational age or menstruation age is this. It happens roughly two weeks before conception takes place. Although it might seem unusual, the day of your last period will be a crucial date in figuring out when you're due. This data will be brought up by your doctor, who will use it to determine how far along you are in your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Timeline

Throughout a regular pregnancy timeline, the fetus will undergo significant changes. This period is broken up into three trimesters. Approximately three months make up each trimester. You'll likely hear your doctor describe fetal development in terms of weeks. You are therefore roughly 12 weeks along if you are three months pregnant. During each trimester, you will notice noticeable changes in both the fetus and yourself.

Pregnancy is typically thought of as a nine-month process. This isn't always the case, though. Pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks, or 280 days, at full term. You may be pregnant for nine or 10 months, depending on the months you are pregnant during (some are shorter and others longer) and the week you give birth. This is both healthy and typical.

Pregnancy Timeline Week by Week

Month 1 (weeks 1 through 4)

The first trimester begins during conception and lasts for 12 weeks. Usually, the first three months of pregnancy are like this. The fertilized egg will develop throughout this trimester from a tiny cluster of cells into a fetus that is beginning to resemble a baby.

A water-tight sac that surrounds the growing fertilized egg progressively begins to fill with fluid. The amniotic sac, as it is known, acts as a cushion for the developing embryo.

Month 2 (weeks 5 through 8)

The characteristics of the face are still changing. Each ear starts as a little skin fold on the side of the head. Tiny buds are developing that will eventually become arms and legs. Eyes, fingers, and toes are also developing.

The brain, spinal cord, and other central nervous system neural tissue are now fully developed within the neural tube. Additionally, the digestive system and sensory organs start to form. Cartilage begins to be replaced by bone.

Month 3 (weeks 9 through 12)

The fetus is currently beginning to explore a little by opening and shutting its lips and fists. The external ears are forming, and fingernails and toenails are starting to grow. Under the gums, teeth are starting to erupt. The reproductive organs also grow, although ultrasonography still has trouble differentiating between sexes.

Month 4 (weeks 13 through 16)

This is when the second trimester begins. Any morning sickness should have subsided by this point, as well as the pain in the early stages of pregnancy. During this month, the fetus will begin to develop facial traits.

A device called a doppler may now be used to detect a fetal heartbeat. The toes and fingers are well delineated. The formation of eyelids, brows, eyelashes, nails, and hair occurs. Bones and teeth get denser. Even the fetus can yawn, stretch, and make expressions.

Month 5 (weeks 17 through 20)

You could feel the fetus moving about at this point. The growing fetus is working out its muscles. This first motion, known as quickening, might resemble a flutter.

The head starts to sprout hair. A silky, fine hair called lanugo covers the shoulders, back, and temples. This hair sheds near the end of your baby's first week of life and serves to safeguard the fetus.

Month 6 (weeks 21 through 24)

Right now, if you could peek inside the uterus, you would observe that the fetus's skin is transparent, wrinkled, and reddish. The toe and finger marks may be seen. The eyelids start to separate at this point, and the eyes start to open.

Month 7 (weeks 25 through 28)

The fetus keeps growing and accumulating bodily fat stores. The development of hearing is complete at this time. The fetus regularly shifts positions and reacts to stimuli including light, pain, and sound.

Month 8 (weeks 29 through 32)

Here you move on to the last stage of your pregnancy, the third trimester. The fetus keeps growing and accumulating bodily fat stores. There could be more kicking. The fetus can see and hear at this stage, and the brain is quickly developing.

Month 9 (weeks 33 through 36)

The lungs are about ready to be completely matured at this point.

The fetus can blink, close its eyes, swivel its head, grab something firmly, and react to sound, light, and touch thanks to its synchronized reflexes.

Month 10 (Weeks 37 through 40)

You might go into labor at any point during this last month. Due to the restricted space, you can experience less mobility. The fetus's position may have shifted at this stage to accommodate labor.

Now your baby is prepared to be born.

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You can rely on BASS Medical Group to treat you quickly and safely whether you or a loved one is going to have a baby. Call us whether you think you are pregnant or going into labor.