Is Your Psoriasis Getting Worse in Winter? Try These Treatments!

Health Tips
April 13, 2022
1 min read
Is Your Psoriasis Getting Worse in Winter? Try These Treatments!

Psoriasis is a visible autoimmune disease that presents as itchy, dry patches on your skin. There are a lot of myths and wrong assumptions about this condition. These misconceptions root from a lack of overall understanding about the disease. Studies have even proven that many people are misinformed about psoriasis.

Even though this condition is not contagious or caused by you, it can take a toll on your confidence. If you suffer from this condition, you might get a little more anxious about the winter months. Colder seasons are known triggers of psoriasis flare-ups. The lack of sunlight and dryer air work together to increase symptoms. Not only are you uncomfortable mentally, but the side effects of psoriasis can cause physical discomfort. 

Unfortunately, there is no cure for psoriasis. But, you can try these tried and true psoriasis treatments. 

Winter Psoriasis Treatment Methods

Winter weather can leave your skin void of moisture, which will increase dryness. The gloomy days will leave your exposure to the sun as non-existent. But you don't have to live in misery during winter. Try to use these tips to prevent or heal psoriasis symptoms.

  • Keep a solid skincare routine - It's essential to keep your skin hydrated during winter. Follow a skincare routine using moisturizing soaps and thick, creamy lotions. These products will help to lock in moisture to ease redness and itching. Try to go with fragrance-free products to avoid irritants.
  • Take baths – Relaxing in a bathtub with oil, finely ground oatmeal, Epsom salts, or dead sea salts for 15 minutes can help with itching and heal scaly patches. After your soak, apply moisturizing cream while your skin is still wet to lock in moisture. Try to avoid taking scathingly hot showers that will remove water from your skin.
  • Invest in a humidifier – Humidifiers will add moisture to cold, dry air. Run your humidifier in your bedroom at night to help lock in your skin's moisturizing agents. Ensure that your humidifier isn't causing other issues by routinely cleaning the water container.
  • Wear softer clothes – Choose a breathable, soft fabric that protects your skin from the wind and cold. Soft clothing will help with joint pain and irritating patches. Sweating is also a known irritant, so make sure that you can remove layers of clothing when hot.
  • Stay Hydrated – Drinking plenty of water is a natural psoriasis treatment. Dehydration can exaggerate your psoriasis symptoms. To make sure you are drinking enough water, monitor your urine. It should be pale yellow, if it is too dark, drink more water.
  • Maintain a self-care routine – The holidays can be a stressful time. Stress can also make your psoriasis symptoms worse. Try to maintain a self-care plan to manage your stress levels. Making time to relax will reduce possible flare-ups. Take a spa day, and don't skip exercise or a healthy diet. 

Know When To Talk To Your Doctor

Here at Bass Medical Group, we understand how much psoriasis can impact your mental and physical health. If your symptoms affect your relationships, activities, or mental health, it might be time to seek a professional. You may need light therapy or prescription-strength creams. Depression also carries seasonal triggers, so we know how hard this time is for some. We are here to help. You can speak to one of our expert healthcare providers about treatment methods. For more information or to request an appointment, visit today.