Three Ways to Reduce Vein Swelling in the Summer

Blog Post
By BASS Vein Center
Three Ways to Reduce Vein Swelling in the Summer
October 19, 2023

We are all excited to say goodbye to winter’s chill and hello warm breezes and poolside naps. Unfortunately, heat causes veins in your legs to dilate. This dilation puts extra stress on the valves within the veins in the legs, causing swelling and discomfort. 

While varicose veins and spider veins aren’t always preventable, there are things you can do to reduce the risks and discomfort. Summer should be a time for relaxing, not extra pain and self-conscious concern. Let’s take a look at a few causes of vein discomfort and what you can do to help during these warmer months.

Swollen Veins in the Legs and Other Places

There are a number of different reasons why your veins may be swelling or uncomfortable during the summer months. From weakened varicose veins, insufficiencies, to even more intense problems like Deep Vein Thrombosis, there are a lot of possibilities.

It’s important to talk to your doctor about these problems and your discomfort so you can be sure you’re treating them correctly and they aren’t indicative of more serious medical problems. 

Why do My Veins Hurt? 

There are a few different conditions that cause veins to hurt, some of which include:

  • Varicose or Spider Veins- These are swollen and weakened veins caused by faulty valves in the blood vessels. Blood pools, weakening the vessel's walls, making the veins appear blue or purple at the skin’s surface. They can seem bulging and twisted, mostly found in the legs and feet. While often just a cosmetic problem, they can cause pain, itching, and rashes on the skin. 
  • Chronic Venous Insufficiency- This is a condition caused by problematic blood vessel valves and vein walls. The valves keep blood from flowing back down the legs instead of up to the heart. When they aren’t working properly, the blood pools, causing a problem called venous reflux. This causes pain in the legs as well as an increased risk of varicose veins. 
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis- This is a serious issue caused by a blood clot forming inside a vein deep in the leg. They can form anywhere in the body but are most commonly found in the thighs and lower legs. Pain radiates from the area with the clot and the limb can swell due to obstructed blood flow. The clot can break loose and end up in the lungs, which is a possibly fatal complication. 
  • Superficial Thrombophlebitis- A vein inflammation due to a blood clot, just below the skin. The condition can be painful and cause the area to be tender and red. The condition happens after a vein injury or an IV is inserted. Varicose veins, infection, and a sedentary lifestyle put you at higher risk to develop Superficial Thrombophlebitis.  

Varicose Veins Self-Care Methods to Reduce Swelling

There are a few easy, at-home tricks you can use to help reduce vein swelling and its discomfort. Keep these methods in mind to keep having summer fun with less leg pain. 

  • Keep Cool
  • Don’t play in the sun for long perids of time. Take breaks in the shade and stay well hydrated. Avoid sitting or standing too long and make sure to take time to elevate your feet above your heart for a few minutes at a time. 
  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Reduce stress on your veins as much as possible. With the summer potentially causing leg and vein swelling, it’s important to do what you can to help avoid more strain. Eat a healthy diet to assist your overall health and pack in the vitamin C to support vein health. Exercise to encourage proper circulation and keep that blood flowing. Even going for a daily walk at the end of each day will assist with relieving congestion and swelling. 
  • Compression Socks
  • As gross as it may sound to sear full-length stockings in the heat of summer, it will really help your legs. Compression therapy helps to decrease vein disease issues and keep them healthy. 

BASS Vein Center

At BASS Vein Center, we employ the best vein specialists and surgeons to ensure all your vein needs are met. Whether you are looking for a vascular surgeon or a phlebotomist, we are here to help. Visit our website to learn more about conservative vein therapy and other treatments. If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us today.

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