How to Identify and Treat Leg Vein Pain Caused by Varicose Veins

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By BASS Vein Center
How to Identify and Treat Leg Vein Pain Caused by Varicose Veins
October 19, 2023

Varicose veins are large and bulging veins that usually show up in the body’s lower extremities, such as in the legs. These veins are typically blue or purple and show up right underneath the skin. While most people seek out treatment for varicose veins for cosmetic reasons, these veins are also known to cause pain and may be a sign of more severe health issues such as venous disease.

More than 23% of all adults living in the United States have a venous disease that causes varicose veins. Around 33 million of these individuals are older adults between the ages of 40 and 80. While both men and women can have varicose veins, they are most commonly seen in women.

Varicose Veins Symptoms You Should Know About

For many people, varicose veins are merely a cosmetic concern. Some may not experience any pain or discomfort from the large and twisted veins in their legs while others experience severe pain from varicose veins that aren’t even visible. So, although the visual symptoms of varicose veins may be clear, it is possible to have damaged veins that cause pain even if you cannot see the signs of them with your own eyes.

Here are a few more symptoms associated with varicose veins:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Swelling around your ankles and in your calves
  • The feeling of achy or heavy legs
  • Discomfort around certain areas of the veins
  • A throbbing and burning sensation in your legs

These symptoms tend to become more severe on warm days. That’s because our blood vessels dilate when we are in higher temperatures. That can make it even harder for the valves in our veins to function as they should. These symptoms worsen as the day goes on and blood starts to accumulate around the ankles. Long periods of standing or sitting can also aggravate varicose veins and make the symptoms worse.

How to Treat Varicose Veins at Home

Depending on the severity of your varicose veins, you may be able to treat your condition at home. Self-treatment can also help alleviate cramps, swelling, and pain until you can see a vein specialist here at BASS Vein Center.

Here are a few at-home treatment options to consider:

  • Stretch your legs and exercise. Short stretches and exercises that work your calf muscles can be beneficial if done several times a day. If you can’t find time for a full exercise routine, you can try flexing your feet while sitting or standing at work or during long trips. If you must sit or stand for your job, change your position every half hour and take time to bend your knees regularly. Drinking plenty of water and staying active will also help to maintain hydration and improve blood flow.
  • Elevate your feet. For instant relief from swelling due to varicose veins, elevate your legs so that they are above     your heart. Place your feet on a table or prop them up using several pillows for support. Keep your legs elevated for at least 15 minutes to help ease the pain and decrease swelling.

Find Varicose Veins Treatment in My Area

If you are concerned about your leg pain and want to find out more about vein treatment options in your area, contact our experts at BASS Vein Center for assistance. We can provide you with more information on identifying varicose veins and suggesting treatment options that may help. Get in touch with us today for more details.

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