5 Signs You Have Varicose Veins (And What To Do)

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By BASS Vein Center
5 Signs You Have Varicose Veins (And What To Do)
October 19, 2023

Varicose veins are unsightly enlarged and twisted veins that generally show up in the legs, however, they can appear in other areas of the body. Many individuals who have them often seek treatment due to cosmetic concerns. While these veins tend to not cause any physical issues for some, they can cause serious pain and discomfort for others. This is especially true for those who are on their feet for long periods throughout the day. That’s because continuously standing and walking will put increased pressure on the lower part of our bodies.

Do You Have Varicose Veins? 5 Signs and Risk Factors 

If you are experiencing unusual pain and discomfort in your legs, you may have varicose veins. Here are five of the early warning signs to help you identify the issue and seek treatment before it becomes a bigger problem. 

  1. Large, bulging veins that are blue or purple in appearance. These veins are visible under the surface of your skin
  2. Swollen feet and ankles
  3. Legs that feel heavy or are painful and achy 
  4. Legs that are itchy, especially in the areas of the lower leg or ankles
  5. Patches of skin that are discolored around the areas where the bulging veins appear

Interested in Varicose Veins Treatment?

There are various forms of treatment available for varicose veins. If your condition isn’t very severe, self-care methods such as elevating your feet or wearing compression stockings can be useful. But if your varicose veins have been left untreated, you may require in-office treatment from a professional. 

Here are some of the treatment options you can choose from for varicose veins


With this treatment, the doctor injects small or medium size veins with a foam or solution that helps to close the veins. After a few weeks, the treated veins should fade away. If they do not fade, the veins can be injected more than once.  

Laser Treatment 

Laser treatment closes off smaller varicose veins and spider veins. The process sends strong lasers into the vein and causes it to slowly start to fade away and disappear. There are no incisions or needles needed for laser treatment. 

Catheter-Assisted Procedures 

With this treatment, a small, thin tube is inserted into the vein and is heated at the tip using laser energy or a radiofrequency. As the tube is removed, the heat works to destroy the vein as it causes it to collapse and seal closed. This is the preferred treatment option for many individuals who have large varicose veins. 

High Ligation and Vein Stripping 

With this procedure, a vein is tied off at the area before it joins a deep vein and removed. This is an outpatient procedure for most individuals and involves making small incisions. 

Ambulatory Phlebectomy 

With this treatment option, the doctor removes smaller veins by making a series of small skin punctures. Only the areas of the leg that are punctured are numbed during the procedure and scarring is often minimal.

Endoscopic Vein Surgery 

This is an option typically used only for advanced cases. It is usually recommended for patients who have leg ulcers or if other treatment options for their varicose veins fail. During the procedure, the surgeon will use a video camera that is inserted into the veins to help with closing and removing the veins. This is an outpatient procedure. 

Where to Find Varicose Veins Treatment Near Me 

While varicose veins do not often lead to any long-term health issues, they can still be troublesome. If you are looking for a varicose vein treatment center, get in touch with our team here at BASS Vein Center. We can help you find the best solution for your vein problems.

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