Sclerotherapy: Side Effects and Recovery

Blog Post
By BASS Vein Center
Sclerotherapy: Side Effects and Recovery
October 19, 2023

Sclerotherapy Side Effects

Sclerotherapy can have several side effects. In some cases, some side effects may take some time to diminish. There are also some side effects that are a little more serious, although these are rare. Here is a list and a brief look at sclerotherapy side effects:

  • Lumpy or Hard Veins: This usually happens when larger veins are injected. This may last for up to a few months after treatment.
  • Raised Red Areas: These appear at or near the injection site and will disappear within a few days.
  • Brown Lines: Caused by a form of iron that leaves the blood near the injection site, these can last for three to six months if they appear, and in some very rare cases, may not ever completely go away.
  • Bruising: This will typically occur near the injection site and will typically disappear within a few days or a few weeks. This depends on how quickly your bruises typically heal.
  • Blushing: These temporary blood vessels can sometimes appear. It is normal and does not require additional treatment. They will disappear within a few months at maximum.
  • Itching or Swelling: If this occurs at the injection site, it is likely because of a minimal allergic reaction and will disappear quickly.

Some of the more serious side effects can include:

  • Swelling near the groin
  • Sudden swollen leg(s)
  • Small ulcers at the injection site
  • Red streaking near the groin

If any of these symptoms occur, it is advised that you contact your doctor as soon as possible.


Aside from the waiting out the possible side effects like the ones listed above, there is little-to-no recovery time. The treatment is not invasive and, if laser treatment is used, there are not as many side effects as listed above and there is no recovery time. Typically, the sensations caused by either treatment will be gone within a few minutes of the treatment. It is important however, to keep an eye out for possible side effects that might be indicative of other issues. 

There are several activities and medications that should be avoided for the forty-eight hours following sclerotherapy. Be sure to ask your specialist about them and how to best care for your treated areas.

Why Consider Sclerotherapy?

You should consider sclerotherapy if you are insecure about the appearance of your varicose veins or if you are feeling discomfort or pain in the affected areas. Your self-esteem is important to your mental health. Varicose veins can be unsightly and the cause of worry for some individuals. They can also be indicative of other issues that should be addressed if present. 

Sclerotherapy Treatment Near Me

If you are looking for a good place to get sclerotherapy treatment in California, call (925) 281-5912 or click here. BASS Vein Center would be happy to set up varicose vein sclerotherapy for you. Do not wait anymore to fix your varicose veins. The insecurity, pain, and discomfort should not be something that you expect yourself to live with from now on. The treatment options are quick and simple and the results are definitely worth it. A lot of patients are happy with their new skin look and are extremely happy to finally be rid of the discomfort that their varicose veins were causing.

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