Best Vein Doctors in Walnut Creek

Blog Post
By BASS Vein Center
Best Vein Doctors in Walnut Creek
October 19, 2023

If you have varicose veins that are unsightly and painful, you want to find the best vein doctor in the area to find out your treatment options. Varicose veins can range from a cosmetic nuisance to a troublesome condition that causes aches and pains. Whether you are seeking treatment for cosmetic reasons, or because you are suffering from discomfort, you must find the right doctor for assistance. 

What Are the Common Risk Factors For Varicose Veins? 

Are you unsure if you have varicose veins? Practically anyone can develop them, but you are more likely to have them if any of the following risk factors apply to you.

Family History

If members of your family have varicose veins, such as your parents, you are at a higher risk of developing them as well.


While both men and women can develop varicose veins, women tend to get them more than men. That is because of the various hormonal changes that take place with women during the stages of puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.


Carrying around a growing baby will put an additional strain on your abdomen and the veins in your lower body, especially the legs. The good news is that most women notice the varicose veins they develop while pregnant often go away within a few months after they give birth. Fortunately, if they do not go away, treatment is available.

Previous Leg Surgery

If you ever sustained any type of injury to the legs, it could have caused your veins to become weak. Over time, these weakened veins lose their ability to successfully transport blood up to the heart. Any past damage to the veins in your legs could increase your risks of developing varicose veins in the future.

Being Overweight

When you have extra weight, you are placing more pressure on your veins, and that can help increase your risk of developing this condition. If you have recently put on more weight in recent months or years, you may be showing early signs of varicose veins.


As you get older, your chances of developing varicose veins increases significantly. This is due to the usual effects of aging that can cause your veins and other body parts to weaken.

Sitting or Standing for too Long

If you stay in the same position for a long time, such as sitting or standing, you are putting extra pressure on your legs to work harder at pumping blood to your heart. If you work on your feet or sit all day at the office, you are at a higher risk of having varicose veins because of the limited movement or the added pressure to the lower extremities.

How to Find the Best Varicose Vein Doctor in Walnut Creek 

Here are some helpful tips on how to find the right doctor for your varicose veins treatment. 

  • Always look for a varicose vein doctor who has plenty of experience treating patients that have the same or a similar condition to your own. 
  • Look for a doctor that is board-certified and one who is a specialist in varicose or spider vein treatment. 
  • Choose a doctor you are comfortable talking to and one that you feel fully answers all your questions. 
  • Ask around, if you know someone who has had varicose vein treatment, find out more about the doctor they used and if they were satisfied with the outcome. 

Find a Vein Doctor Near Me 

BASS Vein Center is your local provider for varicose and spider vein treatment in Walnut Creek. Get in touch with a representative today to learn more about treatment options and schedule an appointment with one of our qualified doctors

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