Bariatric Weight-Loss Surgery

Tips to Feel Better During Recovery of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Dr. Jason F. Moy
Dr. Brian T. Chin
Daniel Roman
January 8, 2024
Tips to Feel Better During Recovery of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Embarking on the recovery journey post-gastric sleeve surgery necessitates a thoughtful approach to ensure not only physical healing but also overall well-being. This comprehensive guide aims to provide detailed insights into crucial aspects of the recovery process, offering practical tips to navigate this transformative period successfully.

  • Expect the Pain:

Understanding the nature of post-surgery discomfort is key to managing expectations. It's normal to experience pain as your body adjusts to the changes. Your healthcare team will provide pain management strategies, including prescribed medications. Be open about your pain levels during follow-up appointments to fine-tune your pain management plan.

  • Rest When Tired:

Recovery demands a recalibration of your daily routine. Prioritize adequate sleep and rest to facilitate the healing process. Consider incorporating short naps into your day if needed. Creating a restful environment, including comfortable pillows and a supportive mattress, can enhance your sleep quality.

  • Don't Strain Yourself:

Post-surgery, your body requires time to rebuild strength. Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and exercises beyond what your healthcare provider recommends. Overexertion can lead to complications and delay the healing process. Gradually reintroduce activities under medical guidance.

  • Do Your Breathing Exercises:

Deep breathing exercises are more than just a routine; they're instrumental in preventing respiratory complications. Consistently practice these exercises to maintain lung function, preventing issues like pneumonia. Your healthcare team will guide you on the frequency and technique tailored to your needs.

  • Don't Take a Bath:

Maintaining hygiene is crucial, but submerging your incision site in water should be avoided initially. Stick to sponge baths and consult with your surgeon about when it's safe to resume full bathing activities. Pay meticulous attention to keeping the incision area clean and dry.

  • Avoid Hitting Your Belly:

Guarding against accidental impacts is crucial for a smooth recovery. Minimize any contact with the abdominal area, and use supportive pillows or cushions when sitting or lying down. Educate family members and caregivers about the need for gentle handling to prevent unintended pressure.

  • Use a Pillow When You Cough, Laugh, or Sneeze:

Caring for your abdominal muscles is paramount. Place a pillow over your incision site when coughing, laughing, or sneezing. This provides additional support and minimizes strain on the healing tissues. It's a simple yet effective technique to alleviate discomfort during these actions.

  • Walk:

Early mobilization is a cornerstone of recovery. Begin with short, slow walks, gradually increasing the duration as your body allows. Walking aids in preventing complications such as blood clots and enhances overall circulation. Regular movement also supports digestion and reduces the risk of constipation.

  • Gas X is Your Friend:

Gas-related discomfort is a common post-surgery woe. Over-the-counter medications like Gas-X (simethicone) can provide relief by breaking down gas bubbles. Confirm with your healthcare provider that such medications align with your recovery plan. Hydration, gentle movement, and mindful eating also contribute to alleviating gas.

  • Strictly Follow the Diet Plan Your Doctor Gave You:

Nutrition is pivotal in post-surgery recovery. Your doctor will prescribe a phased diet plan, gradually introducing different textures and types of food. Adherence to this plan ensures you receive essential nutrients for healing while minimizing stress on your digestive system. Keep a food journal to track your intake and any reactions.

In conclusion, a successful recovery after gastric sleeve surgery is a holistic process that involves physical, emotional, and nutritional aspects. Tailor these guidelines to your individual needs, and maintain open communication with your healthcare team. With patience, self-care, and a commitment to your recovery plan, you can embark on a journey towards improved health and well-being. Always seek professional advice for personalized recommendations based on your unique circumstances.

At BASS Bariatric Surgery, we are here to help you lose weight with surgery safely and effectively. Call us today with any questions you may have about the gastric sleeve—or to set up a consultation.

About The Author

Daniel Roman, Content Writer

Daniel Roman is a Digital Content Writer at BASS Medical Group. He received his Masters in Journalism from UC Berkeley in 2021. Daniel has published multiple newspaper articles covering public health issues. His latest was a magazine cover story on pandemics and diseases that he co-wrote with Dr. Elena Conis, a historian of medicine, public health, and the environment.

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