February 15, 2024

What are Potential Causes of Pain in Legs

Your legs are an important part of getting around from day to day. Experiencing pain in legs and other limbs can seriously dampen your ability to function on a daily basis. There are many different causes of leg pain, some more severe than others. Identifying the root cause can help decide on a treatment course of action. 

While many discomforts are caused by strain, injuries, or nutrient deficits, pain can also be caused by more severe issues. While injuries cause immediate pain, clots and circulation deficiency are accompanied by slow increases in discomfort. There are several different types of leg pain such as numbing, aching, intense, or low pain levels. Each of these has a different cause that should not be ignored. Let’s take a look at a few of the main culprits for pain in the legs. 

Causes for Non-Vein Pain in Legs

Of the different causes of leg pain, not all of them are vein related. Some afflictions are in part because of deficiencies or other problems originating elsewhere in the body.

  • Anemia - Anemia, an iron deficiency in the blood is actually a common culprit for leg pain. The discomfort usually manifests in weakness throughout the body first. Boosting your iron consumption can help with this. Dark leafy greens, red meat, and lentils are great foods high in iron. You can also get prescription liquid iron supplements to help.
  • Arthritis- Pain centered in the knees and hips could be arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of leg pain, though there are a few other kinds that might be painful. Aging causes damage to joint cartilage and leads to stiffness and pain. A blood test or x-ray will help diagnose this issue, depending on the type of arthritis. 
  • Sciatica- Sciatica pain radiates along the gluteus maximus and down the back of the legs. This is usually the result of a pinched or damaged sciatic nerve and should be treated sooner rather than later. This type of pain gets worse over time and can cause lasting damage.
  • Nerve Damage- Early signs of nerve damage are stiffness, inflammation, and a buzzing sensation. Conditions like diabetes cause a reduction in blood supply, damaging the nerves with a lack of blood flow. It’s not just diabetics that experience nerve damage though, so see a doctor if you experience these symptoms.

Conditions that Cause Painful Vein in Legs

There are many conditions that can cause pain in the veins and arteries of the legs. None of these conditions should be taken lightly, as they can lead to more severe issues if ignored. 

  • Varicose Veins- When the valves in your leg veins malfunction, blood pools in the vessels and cause damage. Also known as spider veins, this damage is visibly recognizable due to swollen, knotted veins at the surface of the skin. They normally appear in the calves and ankles and can range from uncomfortable to highly painful. Age, pregnancy, sedentary lifestyle, and many other things can put you at risk for varicose veins. It is important to have a vein specialist treat the issue to relieve pain and avoid further problems. 
  • Blood Clots- A common culprit for leg pain is blood clots. The platelets form a solid object in the vein that can slow or completely obstruct blood flow. Also called Deep Vein Thrombosis, these clots normally affect the lower leg. It will not go away and can dislodge, causing more severe problems if it gets stuck elsewhere, like the heart. This condition usually causes severe pain and swelling and requires blood thinners to treat. 
  • Atherosclerosis- This affects not the veins, but the arteries. Veins take the blood back to the heart, but arteries take it away from the heart. When plaque builds up in the arteries, it hardens them and restricts blood flow. This can cause excess pain and weakness in the legs. This isn’t something that gets better on its own and can cause issues like heart attacks. It’s important to pay attention to leg pain. It never hurts to at least as a doctor to confirm noting serious is going on. 

BASS Vein Center: Vein Specialist Near Me

At BASS Vein Center, we employ the best vein specialists and surgeons to ensure all your vein needs are met. Whether you are looking for a vascular surgeon or a phlebotomist, we are here to help. Visit our website to learn about tips for relieving varicose vein pain. If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us today.

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