February 15, 2024

Taking Care of Your Veins in Summer Heat

The summertime can be challenging for people with varicose veins. Wearing shorts, skirts and dresses can make them feel self-conscious. In addition, the summer heat may cause your varicose veins to get worse. The heat from the sun causes the veins to dilate, allowing additional blood to pool in the veins. This venous distention can worsen varicose vein symptoms and make them more visibly pronounced at the surface. 

Varicose Vein Pain 

There are a lot of factors that can cause varicose veins. The most common include pregnancy, sitting or standing for long periods, and being overweight or obese. In addition, weak or damaged valves cause varicose veins in veins. When the cardiovascular system works correctly, the heart pumps oxygen-rich blood delivered to the body through large vessels called arteries. The smaller ships, called veins, are responsible for returning the deoxygenated blood to the heart so the circulatory process can be repeated. The vein valves must be strong to fight gravity and push the blood back to the core. When the veins fail to usher the blood back up, the blood begins to pool in the veins. This causes the veins to appear enlarged, twisted, and bulging at the skin's surface. Varicose veins are unsightly and commonly described as looking like cords on the legs.  

Varicose veins can cause skin discoloration in the affected area. While often cosmetic issues, sometimes they can be severe and cause pain and discomfort. Varicose vein pain can impact a person's ability to perform daily activities. Some people report the following symptoms:

  • A feeling of heaviness
  • A burning sensation
  • Numbness
  • Tingling 
  • Muscle cramps 
  • Itching sensation near the affected veins

Diet and exercise play a role in preventing and treating varicose veins. A high-fiber, low-sodium diet can improve venous function and reduce water retention. Adding flavonoids to your diet has also been linked to better cardiovascular health. In addition, adding flavonoids to your diet can improve blood circulation and reduce arterial pressure in addition to exercise. Even low-impact activities like walking, swimming, cycling, or stretching can help reverse or reduce the appearance and pain associated with varicose veins. 

You can incorporate some things into your daily life to help prevent varicose veins. First, take breaks from prolonged sitting or standing. If you have varicose veins, remember to elevate your legs when sitting or lying down. 

Vein Treatment Near Me 

You might consider a trip to the doctor or varicose vein specialist if you notice that your varicose veins are worsening. If you search for “vein treatment near me,” you can locate a vein specialist that can help. The summertime heat can aggravate symptoms, but the vein experts at BASS Vein Center can take care of you.  Varicose veins can also cause feelings of insecurity. If you feel self-conscious wearing shorts or swimwear this summer because of your varicose veins, you can opt to have them treated. However, it can decrease their visibility or even render them invisible. 

If you are considering varicose veins treatment, BASS Vein Center would be happy to help address your situation. Call them at (925) 281-5912 or click here to set up an appointment. The insecurity and discomfort can be challenging to handle. Let BASS Vein Center help you take the case with experience and compassion.

Take the First Step to Ending Annoying Varicose Vein Discomfort.

More than 40 million people in the United States suffer from varicose veins, so you're not alone.
Boost Your Confidence
Perfect Legs
Eliminate the Pain
Healthy Veins