February 15, 2024

Stress and Other Surprising Factors That Cause Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can develop for many reasons, from physical strain and stress to genetic inheritance, and everything in between. That is one reason why there are so many treatments for varicose veins! These treatments depend on the severity of your issue, so while someone may need to remove spider veins for cosmetic reasons, others may experience aches or pains in their legs due to varicose veins swelling and bulging beneath the skin’s surface. Where do the veins come from in the first place? Mental and physical stress can be contributing factors, but other answers may surprise you. 

Stress and Bad Habits

Stress puts strain on our minds and bodies, so stress management is key in your fight to prevent vein damage. Sometimes, enjoying the occasional sweet or savory snack can be a huge comfort in that regard, but a diet consisting of too much salt can factor into varicose vein development. That is because salty foods cause water retention, which puts more pressure on your blood vessels. Other bad habits, such as smoking, can increase your chances of developing cosmetic, even painful, varicose veins. You can always talk to your doctor if you feel your diet or stressful lifestyle could contribute to problems like spider or varicose veins.

Men and Women

Varicose veins can affect anyone, but the majority of cases are found in women. This is due to the various changes women go through during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Especially during pregnancy, women have a higher volume of blood in their bodies. While this helps support the growing baby, the strain of this volume can enlarge veins in the legs. This, coupled with hormonal changes during pregnancy, can contribute to varicose veins. Men should still stay aware of family history as well as work environments that keep them on their feet for long periods of time, as these factors can still present as varicose veins over time.


When humans age, the veins will naturally begin to weaken and can damage easily. The aging causes wear-and-tear, and some areas may become less elastic—including the valves in your veins that help regulate blood flow. Family history and a vigorous work environment, coupled with age, may progress the development of varicose veins under the skin.

Standing and Sitting

How much you stand and sit, even how you sit, can have a lasting impact on your legs, skin, and veins. If you are constantly on your feet or not stretching enough at a desk job, you can encourage the development of varicose veins. Even crossing your legs at your desk can exacerbate vein damage over time! Find ways to take rests at jobs that have you constantly on your feet, or find ways to stretch before and after you clock in. Working at a desk job? Make sure you find breaks in the day where you can walk around the office or outside. 

Overweight vs. Overworked

Being overweight or working out too much can create a breeding ground for varicose veins. When you are overweight, you also add more pressure to your legs, putting more stress and pressure on your veins. Losing leg mass creates caps in the muscles, allowing veins to dilate and varicose veins to materialize. You can start with body weight work; weight lifting exercises like deadlifts, squats, or lunges; or walking in the mornings or evenings. These exercises can keep the veins healthy—but do not overdo it! Excessive exercise and running can also lead to varicose veins over time, since you are straining the leg muscles. Break running, calisthenics, jogging, and strength training up with low-impact exercises, like yoga, stretching, or swimming to prevent repetitive injury to the vein valves in your legs. 

Stress and plenty of factors can contribute to varicose vein development, but there are several preventative and curative measures that can curb or eliminate them completely. Reach out to BASS Medical Group today for advice, treatment, and more to determine if you are at risk, or need to consider options to cure unsightly or painful varicose veins.

Take the First Step to Ending Annoying Varicose Vein Discomfort.

More than 40 million people in the United States suffer from varicose veins, so you're not alone.
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Perfect Legs
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Healthy Veins