February 15, 2024

Eight Signs it’s Time to See a Vein Specialist

Vein pain is not something to mess around with. If you aren’t sure the issue is bad enough to see a vein specialist, remember that veins are crucial to circulation. While they might be small, veins are what ensure blood gets back to your heart. 

Instead of waiting until you have a painful, difficult-to-treat issue, it’s better to see a specialist sooner rather than later. There are a few indicators, though, that will help you decide how soon to see your doctor. Keep an eye out for these eight signs that it’s time to see a specialist. 

When to See a Vein Doctor

Vein disorders should not be taken lightly, but are treatable. It’s time to seek care and advice from a specialist if you notice one or more of these signs. 

  • Leg weakness: Your legs may feel tired after a hard workout or a long day standing, that’s normal. Leg weakness, on the other hand, isn’t normal. This can be a sign of varicose veins or other vein issues. You can try elevating your legs to relieve the feeling. If weakness and pain happen more often or even before your activities, see a doctor about it. 
  • Dry, itchy skin, or rash: Believe it or not, those skin issues on your legs might be a sign of untreated vein issues. High blood pressure damages the veins, keeping blood from flowing back to the heart. The damaged veins pool blood and cause skin issues like irritation and rashes. Leaving these issues untreated can lead to venous leg ulcers. These ulcers are painful and difficult to treat, so it’s better to get ahead of the problem. 
  • Interfering with daily life: Leg pain doesn’t always mean vein issues, but vein issues do cause leg pain. Any aching or throbbing that interferes with daily activities should be checked out by a professional. Pain is the body’s alert system to a problem that could become serious. The more you ignore the issues, the worse the pain might get. A specialist can tell you if your leg pain is caused by damaged veins or something else. 
  • Pregnancy: One of the leading causes of varicose veins is changing hormones. Pregnancy is one of the biggest hormonal shifts a woman’s body can go through. Blood volume increases to help support the growing baby and puts extra pressure on the veins. This can lead to varicose veins. If your veins were a problem in a previous pregnancy, it’s probable the problem will be worse this time around. 
  • Leg Ulcers: While leg ulcers can be a result of diabetes, they are also a sign of poor vein health. Untreated vein trouble can create ulcers around the calf and ankles. See a specialist to determine the origination and the best course of treatment. Ignoring the ulcers won’t make them go away, so it’s best to get care before they worsen. 
  • Bulging, blue or purple veins: Typically easily spotted on the back of the legs, veins that are changing color or bulging are a clear warning sign. Blue or purple veins are caused by swelling and irritation of the damaged vein. You are in danger of developing a blood clot at this point. Blood clots restrict the blood flow and can lead to Deep Vein Thrombosis. 
  • Swelling disappears by morning: While swelling can be caused by water retention and other issues, varicose veins also cause swelling. If it only happens in one leg or after you have been walking, insufficient blood flow is usually the culprit. A doctor can give you a clear diagnosis and treatment plan. 
  • Tender Lump: Many symptoms overlap between different leg issues. A tender lump doesn’t always mean vein issues, but it could be a clot. Clots, even just the potential for one, should never be ignored. Clots can dislodge and cause life threatening issues if they lodge elsewhere in the body. 

BASS Vein Center: Vein Specialist Near Me

At Bass Vein Center, we employ the best vein specialists and surgeons to ensure all your vein needs are met. Whether you are looking for a vascular surgeon or a phlebotomist, we are here to help. Visit our website to learn more about the different risk factors for vein disease. If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us today.

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