February 15, 2024

Can Spider Veins Become Varicose Veins?

Spider veins are small, discolored veins that often branch across the legs or face. Many people choose to remove them for cosmetic reasons, but others are concerned that they will develop into varicose veins. If you have questions about your veins, ask! There is no such thing as having too many questions for your doctor because the answers can keep you informed, give you peace of mind, and help you determine what the next step is for you and your wellness. Here is more information about whether these spider veins you have discovered can develop into something more. 

Caught in a Web

First, we will talk about spider veins a little further before we move on. We are already familiar with their appearance: thin red-to-violet veins that string across the skin. While they are not painful, patients often find them unsightly enough to want them removed. So, where do they come from? 

When the valves that are inside our veins stop working as well as they should, spider veins can develop. Our veins work hard to carry blood back to the heart from the legs, constantly fighting gravity, and those valves are in place to keep the blood from flowing backward. Over time, valves can become weak or damaged, which makes it difficult for the blood to flow in its natural direction. This causes blood to collect inside the vein, which then bulges, branches, and leads to spider veins. Alternatively, when we see spider veins on a patient’s face, they are caused by small blood vessels bursting, sometimes from sun damage or increased pressure. There are several procedures available to patients who want to get rid of spider veins. Some of them may be administered at home, whereas others are minimal to non-invasive in-house procedures. 

Can it get worse? 

Often, spider veins can be mistaken for varicose veins, and vice versa. Where varicose veins differ from spider veins is easy enough to spot as you start thinking about treatment. They are larger than spider veins and run deeper in the skin. Unlike spider veins, they can sometimes become painful from swelling, causing cramps and aches through the skin. In contrast, spider veins do not cause or become varicose veins over time. In fact, the opposite is true: varicose veins can cause spider veins to appear because of the pressure in the legs. But, if you have found spider veins in your skin, there is no need to panic yet. Your body is incredible at letting you know what is going on with it, and doctors can help you put the pieces together as you go. 

Treatment in Sight!

Even though spider veins do not cause pain, you should pay attention to them. If you have varicose veins, spider veins are an indication of how much the vein swelling is impacting your body. If you do not have varicose veins, but then develop them after you have found spider veins, this could be related to a venous disease or the progression of a developing venous condition. Perhaps you are genetically disposed to developing spider or varicose veins, or it could be as simple as time and work breaking things down. Regardless, there are more than cosmetic reasons to reach out to a doctor or expert when it comes to those branch-shaped veins appearing in your skin. 

If you have spider veins and want to learn more about your treatment options, reach out to the BASS Vein Center today. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors! Call our office at 925-281-5912.

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